ArcheRage не работает

Всем привет!
Решил установить пиратский ArcheRage (пиратский сервер, античита кажись нету)
Чтобы возить паки в свободное время
Не работает
Сначала он открывал установщик лаунчера, установщик плевался и выкидывал на страницу финиша
Установил через стандартный установщик
Получил ошибку, не хочет вообще запускать, никак

Ошибка и логи:


# PortWINE version:
# PortProton-1.7.1
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Scripts version:
# 2360
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# FLATPAK in used
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Debug for programm:
# /home/deck/.var/app/ru.linux_gaming.PortProton/data/prefixes/DEFAULT/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/ArcheRage/Launcher.exe
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# GLIBC version:
# 2.38
# --------------------------------------------------------
# PW_VULKAN_USE=1 - DXVK v.1.10.3-28, VKD3D-PROTON v.1.1-2602
# --------------------------------------------
# Version WINE in use:
# WINE_LG_9-12-2
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Program bit depth:
# 32 bit
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date and time of start debug for PortProton:
# Чт 31 окт 2024 15:36:19 MSK
# -----------------------------------------------------
# The installation path of the PortProton:
# /home/deck/.var/app/ru.linux_gaming.PortProton
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Flatpak runtime:
# Freedesktop SDK 23.08 (Flatpak runtime)
# Operating system:
# SteamOS
# --------------------------------------------------
# Desktop environment:
# Desktop session: plasma-steamos-oneshot
# Current desktop: KDE
# Session type: x11
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Kernel:
# 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e
# -------------------------------------------------
# CPU:
# CPU physical cores: 4
# CPU logical cores: 8
# CPU model name: AMD Custom APU 0932
# ------------------------------------------------
# RAM:
# total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
# Mem:           14812        3130        6380         341        5973       11682
# Swap:           8429           0        8429
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Filesystem /home/deck/.var/app/ru.linux_gaming.PortProton/data/prefixes/DEFAULT/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/ArcheRage - ext2/ext3
# Filesystem /home/deck/.var/app/ru.linux_gaming.PortProton - ext2/ext3
# Filesystem /tmp/PortProton - tmpfs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Graphic cards and drivers:
# lspci -k | grep -EA3 VGA|3D|Display :
# 04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Device 1435 (rev ae)
# Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Device 0123
# Kernel driver in use: amdgpu
# 04:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Rembrandt Radeon High Definition Audio Controller
# ----
# name of display: :0
# display: :0  screen: 0
# direct rendering: Yes
# Extended renderer info (GLX_MESA_query_renderer):
# Vendor: AMD (0x1002)
# Device: AMD Custom GPU 0932 (radeonsi, vangogh, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e) (0x1435)
# Version: 24.2.3
# Accelerated: yes
# Video memory: 1024MB
# Unified memory: no
# Preferred profile: core (0x1)
# Max core profile version: 4.6
# Max compat profile version: 4.6
# Max GLES1 profile version: 1.1
# Max GLES[23] profile version: 3.2
# Memory info (GL_ATI_meminfo):
# VBO free memory - total: 565 MB, largest block: 565 MB
# VBO free aux. memory - total: 7956 MB, largest block: 7956 MB
# Texture free memory - total: 565 MB, largest block: 565 MB
# Texture free aux. memory - total: 7956 MB, largest block: 7956 MB
# Renderbuffer free memory - total: 565 MB, largest block: 565 MB
# Renderbuffer free aux. memory - total: 7956 MB, largest block: 7956 MB
# Memory info (GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info):
# Dedicated video memory: 1024 MB
# Total available memory: 9152 MB
# Currently available dedicated video memory: 565 MB
# OpenGL vendor string: AMD
# OpenGL renderer string: AMD Custom GPU 0932 (radeonsi, vangogh, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e)
# OpenGL core profile version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.2.3 (git-b235da6781)
# OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.60
# OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
# OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile
# OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.2.3 (git-b235da6781)
# OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60
# OpenGL context flags: (none)
# OpenGL profile mask: compatibility profile
# OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 24.2.3 (git-b235da6781)
# OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20
# -----
# inxi -G:
# ----------------------------------------------
# Vulkan info device name:
# GPU id : 0 (AMD Custom GPU 0932 (RADV VANGOGH)):
# GPU id : 1 (llvmpipe (LLVM 17.0.6, 256 bits)):
# GPU0:
# deviceName        = AMD Custom GPU 0932 (RADV VANGOGH)
# driverName      = radv
# driverName                                           = radv
# GPU1:
# deviceName        = llvmpipe (LLVM 17.0.6, 256 bits)
# driverName      = llvmpipe
# driverName                                           = llvmpipe
# Vulkan cube test passed successfully
# ----------------------------------------------------
# locale:
# LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8
# LC_CTYPE="ru_RU.UTF-8"
# LC_TIME="ru_RU.UTF-8"
# LC_PAPER="ru_RU.UTF-8"
# LC_NAME="ru_RU.UTF-8"
# ---
# locale -a | grep -i "$(locale | grep -e ^LANG= | sed s/LANG=// | sed  s/-8//)" :
# ru_RU.utf8
# -------------------------------------------
# D3D_EXTRAS - enabled
# ------------------------------------------
# winetricks.log:
# vcrun2022
# isolate_home
# sandbox
# mfc42
# faudio
# andale
# arial
# comicsans
# courier
# georgia
# impact
# times
# trebuchet
# verdana
# webdings
# corefonts
# calibri
# physx
# tahoma
# lucida
# 7zip
# openal
# vcrun2005
# vcrun2008
# vcrun2010
# vcrun2012
# vcrun2013
# -----------------------------------------
# Use /home/deck/.var/app/ru.linux_gaming.PortProton/data/prefixes/DEFAULT/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/ArcheRage/Launcher.exe.ppdb db file:
# #!/usr/bin/env bash
# #Author: deck
# #Launcher.exe
# #Rating=1-5
# export PW_VULKAN_USE="1"
# export PW_WINE_USE="WINE_LG_9-12-2"
# ----------------------------------------
# # User overides db and var settings..."
# # export DXVK_HUD=full"
# # export GALLIUM_HUD=fps"
# export GUI_THEME="default"
# export BRANCH="master"
# export MIRROR="CLOUD"
# ---------------------------------------
# WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libvkd3d-shader-1=n;d3d12=n;dxgi=n;d3d9=n;d3d10=n;d3d10_1=n;d3d10core=n;d3d11=n;d3dx9_43=n;d3dx9_42=n;d3dx9_41=n;d3dx9_40=n;d3dx9_39=n;d3dx9_38=n;d3dx9_37=n;d3dx9_36=n;d3dx9_35=n;d3dx9_34=n;d3dx9_33=n;d3dx9_32=n;d3dx9_31=n;d3dx9_30=n;d3dx9_29=n;d3dx9_28=n;d3dx9_27=n;d3dx9_26=n;d3dx9_25=n;d3dx9_24=n;d3dx11_43=n;d3dx11_42=n;d3dx10=n;d3dx10_43=n;d3dx10_42=n;d3dx10_41=n;d3dx10_40=n;d3dx10_39=n;d3dx10_38=n;d3dx10_37=n;d3dx10_36=n;d3dx10_35=n;d3dx10_34=n;d3dx10_33=n;d3dcompiler_47=n;d3dcompiler_46=n;d3dcompiler_43=n;d3dcompiler_42=n;d3dcompiler_41=n;d3dcompiler_40=n;d3dcompiler_39=n;d3dcompiler_38=n;d3dcompiler_37=n;d3dcompiler_36=n;d3dcompiler_35=n;d3dcompiler_34=n;d3dcompiler_33=n;beclient,beclient_x64=b,n;nvngx,_nvngx=;steam_api,steam_api64,steamclient,steamclient64=n;dotnetfx35.exe,dotnetfx35setup.exe=b;winemenubuilder.exe=
# ------------------------------------
# wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
# 008c:err:hid:udev_bus_init UDEV monitor creation failed
# 0124:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d10core.dll" (error=80)
# 0124:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d11.dll" (error=80)
# 0124:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d12.dll" (error=80)
# 0124:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d12core.dll" (error=80)
# 0124:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d8.dll" (error=80)
# 0124:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d9.dll" (error=80)
# 0124:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll" (error=80)
# 0138:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d10core.dll" (error=80)
# 0138:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d11.dll" (error=80)
# 0138:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d12.dll" (error=80)
# 0138:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d12core.dll" (error=80)
# 0138:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d8.dll" (error=80)
# 0138:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\d3d9.dll" (error=80)
# 0138:err:setupapi:create_dest_file failed to create L"C:\\windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll" (error=80)
# wine: configuration in L"H:\\.var\\app\\ru.linux_gaming.PortProton\\data\\prefixes\\DEFAULT" has been updated.
# -
# Log WINE:
# gamemodeauto:
# gamemodeauto:
# fsync: up and running.
# 0090:err:hid:udev_bus_init UDEV monitor creation failed
# 0120:err:hnetcfg:get_typeinfo GetTypeInfoOfGuid({cd1f3e77-66d6-4664-82c7-36dbb641d0f1}) failed: 8002802b
1 Like

Ошибка с d3d библиотеками по логу, как понимаю. Вы пробовали менять параметры запуска? Это ваш первый опыт использования РР?

Честно говоря, я уже использовал PP, но ранее все было отлично, однако сейчас как видите нету(
Я попробовал другие параметры запуска, но не помогло, возможно не все попробовал, либо изменение параметров не решает проблему (

ArcheAge не работает под Linux. Информация взята отсюда:

Версия ArcheRage в теории должна работать, т.к античита в ней нет, вопрос - как dx3d накатить…

Что за “dx3d”? DirectX? VKD3D? WineD3D?

Эта тема была автоматически закрыта через 14 дней после последнего ответа. В ней больше нельзя отвечать.